Saturday, February 29, 2020

Answer ls week 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Answer ls week 6 - Essay Example The stakeholders need to be taken by the management as the principal assets of the organization. Therefore, managers in making decisions need to involve and take into account the interest of all the stakeholders in a given organization. The stakeholders of a given organization in most cases are taken to include the community, employees, suppliers and customers as well the potential investors and shareholders (Cots 2011). Hence, the responsibility of managers in a company is to serve the interests of all its stakeholders, which in most instances is called â€Å"stakeholder management†, which is commonly negated with the principle form of corporate governance, whereby the stakeholder interests are principal. Therefore, it is within the ethics of management to treat the interests of the stakeholders equally without favoring a given stakeholder. This implies that the stakeholder management has the ethical responsibility of serving all the interest of the stakeholders present for-p rofit corporations, which will not conflict with the present system of corporate governance (Parmar, B.L. et al. 2010). The stakeholder management must assume that management decision-making is the primary means by which the benefits of corporate wealth creation are given to the stakeholders , however , these accrued benefits might be also be obtained by other categories that interact with the corporation in many other ways, which in most cases is through the market (Cots 2011). As a result, it will be worth mentioning that management will unethically be acting by failing to serve the interests of the organization’s stakeholders who are involved in day-to-day creation of wealth. In addition, stakeholder management in an organization is right; nevertheless, to put emphasis on the moral/ethical aspect that every stakeholder group must benefit from corporate activity is paramount. This also makes managers to be aware of their moral responsibility to develop wealth that will even tually benefit all the stakeholders groups Question Two The idea of authenticity has become primary aspect in management among the large organizations that need to promote workplace conditions significantly. I believe am an authentic leader because, authentic leadership entails leaders creating opportunities and strategies that will promote a common good for all the members of the organization. This means that as an authentic leader am able to inspire all the company’s stakeholders by serving their interests as well as that of the company. Since am an authentic leader I have transformed my organization to greater heights of success (Cots 2011). By employing my authentic leadership standards and principles to the element of diversity work, as a leader I have been able to acquire understanding and support for the work, find out the conflict between organizational and individual behaviors and principles, which serve as barriers, and create significant relationships for organizat ional growth – all planned to intensify responsiveness and understanding and responsiveness for the value diversity has on organizational existence (Parmar, B.L. et al. 2010). Being an authentic leader, who can dig beneath the surface by discovering my purpose, principles, morals, and how I build relationships, has enabled me to lay a foundation for a greater obligation to organizational growth. That is so since attention is paid to values, purpose, and relationships, how we reason regarding and acts upon, whereby these aspects will engage individuals, not only with their minds

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